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Libro 3

Simply Love

Stories between two gay men, and there are some from the book of the heart, I consider them the same way as I do with stories between heterosexuals. Between people, that is, who have a clear understanding of their being, well aware of their own sexuality. The purpose of the series is to raise awareness in the heterosexual person and the homophobic, in accepting reality, which is that no one is immune from the possibility of falling in love with a person of the same sex. This is the one exception to the rule. A story between two homosexuals, starring a teenager whose sexuality is not accepted by his father, to the point of almost ending his life. A love that goes beyond everything. Years of sacrifices bordering on poverty, the strength to get back up, the certainty that their love will last forever.

The Carabiniere

By hanging out in certain environments, sooner or later you will be stopped by law enforcement. But this is not a problem if you have nothing to hide. If you are attracted to uniforms, on the other hand... It can happen that you run into someone who, taking advantage of their uniform, forces you to withstand to his perversions, becomes violent. And he can turn your life into a nightmare. Good thing there are few bad apples…

The Coach

Let's destroy a taboo. Even in a macho world like soccer, there are homosexuals! And a lot of them. As, moreover, there is the scourge of coaches-pedophiles, who take advantage of the dreams of unsuspecting children. Those who find themselves having to reconcile their being and passion very often give in to the latter. For appearances one gets married, has children, and ends up leading a double life. It turns out that if one meets ruthless people, life becomes hard. The secret is to believe in who you are, to keep going and not give a damn about people's judgments. It will be worth it in the end!

From the stars to the...

A story, a warning, a surprise. An increasingly recent topic: "the new poor." Leading a very expensive lifestyle, being too sure of having a strong hold over your wife is dangerous, especially if the money... is hers. You can risk taking things too far. You can lose everything, you can be forced to live as a homeless, go to the soup kitchen, compromise. You live a nightmare, and your fate seems sealed. The important thing is to be able to jump at the chance, perhaps understanding your feelings before risking ruining another life.

The Accountant 

Yet another example of what it means not to be accepted in your family. Most of the time you can find your own path, live your life to the fullest. And, unlike them, decide to look after your parents in their last years. Losing everything you have managed to obtain, hitting rock bottom but managing to get back up again. Of course, if after believing you have recovered you run into ruthless people who threaten to undo your efforts, to give up comes naturally... Well, if you can once again believe in yourself, you might be rewarded and find love…

Mountain Race

And to think that so many consider the homosexual person weak, inept, only capable of “banging” and getting f*****. Instead among those who are attracted to the same sex there are also and especially good people, even when appearances suggest otherwise. It can happen like this, that a gay man saves your life, makes you feel certain emotions and forces you to face reality...


Life should be lived, you should have fun while you can. As long as there is dad sheltering you and paying, but then what? Francesco, three failed marriages - the last one due to the discovery that he cannot have children - decides to enjoy life... and does so amazingly. Until his father dies. Then he is forced to tighten his belt, when Fabiano pays for a vacation in Sardinia for the both of them, he takes full advantage of it. However, he disregards the other man's feelings who has fallen in love with him and confesses it to him. Start a stable relationship with a gay man? Him? The discovery of an alleged paternity, he who cannot have children, throws him into depression. He cannot accept it, but eventually his life will take a turn that was unimaginable just a few months before.

The Father Of The Groom

Strange? Not so much. This story has a happy ending, but so many others follow a different script. How many (I won't say the percentage, but there are so many) so-called normal men, married, with children, seemingly even God-fearing ... as soon as they can, they lose their goody-two-shoes attitude, and get up to all sorts of mischief. Public baths, stations, stadiums, highway rest stops, pine forests, you name it. And what else don't these so-called men do. The funny thing is that they are so sure that their loved ones do not know the truth, that when they find out that everyone knows... You have to put into account the possibility of being recognized; sometimes even harassed by ruthless people, who just for the sake of revenge due to having been rejected are willing to reveal your “secret” to everyone. This story, is proof that sometimes, letting one's being be free can only benefit one's life…

The Tenant

An old-fashioned, shy, solitary man who has withdrawn into himself after the loss of his wife. He has an authoritarian nature and is feared, disrespected, even by his friends. He decides to rent a room in his large house and chooses a young man who due to being too naive has lost everything. He was sent to jail, but has managed to prove his innocence. However, when he discovers his homosexuality, he kicks him out despite the fact that he saved him from a domestic accident and stops him from getting robbed, getting seriously injured.. In the hospital they steal what little he has, he is forced to live on the streets, and demoralized he is about to give up, until the man, realizing his mistakes tries to fix things…

The Big Bet 

The so-called homosexual side within each of us strikes again. Michele was one of the most famous and sought-after playboys on the French Riviera. He was, because from one day to the next ... he falls victim of the thing that scares a man the most, impotence! Visits, treatments, attempts, everything is useless. But the solution is actually easier than he thinks, and he finds out when, victim of his most fierce competitor's revenge, he accepts a bet - the most important one of his life -. And loses. He finds himself having to choose between losing everything he owns, or spending a week with a man (he who was abused as a child). Eventually he manages to regain his lost “form”, defeat the ghosts of the past, get rid of the enemy, and fall in love. Even if a little “"help” was needed.

Miracle At Christmas

Antonio is the typical homosexual who finds himself alone after the end of a long relationship. He knows he must fight back, but he can't alone, and he relies on the hope of a miracle. That seems likely to come true on Christmas Eve, when he meets and welcomes into his home a man who was kicked out by his wife. He takes him in for a few weeks, even sleeps with him, and begins to have feelings for him. Only Enzo, although he has give into temptation, is a convinced heterosexual, and as soon as he can he leaves. Despite the disappointment, this is the push Antonio was waiting for, and he decides to fight back. And when he accidentally runs into his children, he helps that man make peace with them.


I have told many times stories about so-called different men, who do not hesitate to risk their own safety to save someone. Maybe driven by the attraction towards the other, maybe hoping that something might happen between them, whatever the reason... they do it! We have also seen how the majority of so-called men enjoy having sex with a gay man. In this testimony we understand that not everyone is willing to be used as a prostitute for sex, and when he realizes that the so-called straight man is ashamed to even be seen in public with him, he simply ends it, says enough is enough. With no regrets. A big regret for the male in that situation, when he finds out that the so-called fag, is a person of great morality, talent, and is appreciated by everyone.

A Saturday Of Regrets

While reading the many stories of straight men that discover that they like going with a man, I become more and more convinced that everyone, none excluded, can, when they least expect it, discover their parallel side. By now I am so engrossed when I read certain stories that I am sorry when there is not a happy ending. This has pushed me, not respecting one of the first rules I gave myself, to give some advice. A one-time moment of weakness that is likely to leave a wound that is difficult to heal. Knowing that you love your wife and simultaneously feel a strong attraction for a man, with the knowledge that you cannot give her what she deserves. On the other hand, despite being very attracted to that man the man's willpower in giving him up is to be appreciated. He has been through this before and has suffered, because he wants to find someone who loves him, and not be a second choice.